22.03.2006, 13:20 | Zobrazovat výběr fotek Muzika  Praha  Česká republika  

Didier Awadi, Divadlo Archa

It was wednesday evening and I had no plan for the evening. I was thinking about studying for an exam, which awaits me in two months - as I did for the three last evenings, but then my mobile phone rang and on the other end of the line was my friend Martin telling me, that he is going to the gig of Didier Awadi tonight... "Who is that?" is asked him. "Dunno, but heard that he is from Senegal and he totally rocked the place at Fleda club in the second biggest Czech city Brno!" he replied. Then I asked about entrance fee... "Three hundred crowns? Man, I am no fakin' Rockeffellah! That guy must be somebody!" After a few moments of irresolution the final decision was made. Lets go! The club - Archa - is famous for its sound, but it is originally a theatre, so drinking and smoking inside is not permitted. After the warmup beatbox set by some local formation, whichs youngest member, who was approximately eleven years old really kicked ass. After them the gig of Prago Union, the Prague based hip hop crew took a place. I dont like czech hip hop, cause the lyrics are mostly about rolling, lightin' and smokin' spliffs, scoring chicks, gaping around your so-called ghetto, which is actually an innocent suburb of the city, from which the crew coming from. No fakin' message at all! But I have to admit, that Prago Union is the better side of of the czech hiphop. If you are a fan or a collector of this kind of stuff, you should check those guys out. Their beats are good and creative, but that rap... This is an eternal pain of czech hip hop.

As soon as guys from PU finished, Didier Awadi came to the stage with his entire live support band. All band members were wearing t-shirts with "Stoppez-les!!!" written on them. With the very first song they started to produce a phat sound, full of vibrations from Africa, mixed with euroamerican hard guitar riffs supported by the strongest element - a hip hop and ragga MCing! The performance floated between hip hop, whichs lyrics were sang in english and french, the african world music songs, which were suppose to calm the raving audience down a bit and the madness was brought on again by the massive near-to-hardcore guitar riffs supported by deadly deep bass-lines, excellent drums, keyboard and congas. The most musically refined experience was brought by the guy, which was playing the national senegali instrument, which name my stupid head forgot already. The club wasnt full, but the audience was totally mad, the three vocalists did with the people whatever they want. "When I say HU, you say HA!"... You know what i mean... The encore consisted of three songs and the last one explained the writing on the t-shirt. "In Senegal we had too many presidents, which was stealing from our people! We have to stop 'em, so sing with us........STOPPEZ-LES!!!! Louder!!!! Bush is a criminal! Blair is a criminal! I can't hear you people!" and other similar things. I think that many people didnt understand this message, cause there were a lot of really young people, who do not give a shit about these things... But - its a phenomenah of our era - to fuck off Bush and Blair. So... Fuck 'em! The gig was superb, totally worth spending three hundred czech bucks!

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