Londýn 2005

We arrived to London with a 6 hour delay (thank you very much immigration officers), so everything was very quick. I can say that we entered Herbal right from the bus. A few moments before we met Redd at Liverpool station and the evening was about to start! I returned back to this place after one year with a good memories of course! So there was no problem to find a way to Herbal for me. The last time I visited this club, I saw (and heard :-)) an ultimate Nasha Eastern Drums and Breaks show, after which I was hovering on the enge of the death... THAT tired I was from dancing and partying... Redd, please continue, tell us a story of this evening!', 'BANG BANG! Beats are strummin, bodies are movin' as soon as we hit the dance floor, no doubt about that. Yep it was a crazy night out for us as it was the kind of music that automatically made you dance, and yes there was some funky moves goin' on there, POWER TO THE PEOPLE! Downstairs at the herbal was some dirty drum'n'bass flavours goin on but as soon as me n my mates hit upstairs....

KA-BOOM! What a grime! What kinda message are you sendin' to make these bodies to dance like such fantastic idiots? No, they're not idiots really they just know how to move their bodies. So yeah, this was a first timer for me. I didn't exactly know what to expect but the blasting of them musical flaws was enough to make you dance till your feet are tired! Karosh, back to you!

I must say, that the show, which took its place upstairs was more close to our guts, that Hexion guys, delivering their beats downstairs... But that is a matter of choice. Anyway - it was another great evening in my favourite club, despite the beer - a Czech one (really) - costed ten times more than in my homeland. But that couldn't ruin my good mood and stop the fantastic wave of vibes, which was floating thru my body from my head to my heels...

Nerm, Nu-Trix and co. were making an outstanding performance which made you move, even if you was tired like hell, which was our case. Sadly, we had to leave earlier, but some 3 hours of uncompromising asian d'n'b satisfied us for the whole next day, when the other show - at the same time and at the same place - should destroy our bodies along with our ears again... In a good way of course!

...and the next day?

And here we go again! Did you sleep well my friend? No, I didn't, there wasn't enough time... So why don't you go to sleep then? BECAUSE I HAVE TO GO TO NASHA SHOW!!!!! That was the main motto of the day. We were still full of the SHIVA's energy and musical wisdom and there was another event waiting for us! Yes, it's true. Nasha Eastern Drums and Breaks - volume two... The same show I saw one day before New Years Eve one year ago. So I was full of expectations! Can the second part of the Nasha show at least drive up to the first one? Answer? YES it can! As I entered the club, I promptly bought the CD. Like one year before. And then I opened the door....... And...? Redd?

Forget about what's your name and who you are this shit was almost too erotic for your ears, at a much slower than the night before. Not too hard not too soft, that night it was aktarv8r bringin' them eastern impression to the decor. Although too bad it didn't bring many people to the dancefloor (which was on the other hand very good, because you had enough space for your crazy dance creations - Karosh) at once but it was a sensation to stop and listen! Karosh, go on..!

There was some chillout reggae lounge upstairs this evening, we had visited it just to have a beer, coffee of whatever - simply to recharge our batteries a bit and went back downstairs... And that time it was Ges-e, who delivered an outstanding dozes of drum'n'bass! The dancefloor was full of people, which were imprisoned in the realm of music, from which is not easy to find a way back. The air slowly turned into unbreathable mix of sweat, smoke and speedy beatz! So... Here we go - a typical atmosphere of one of the best clubs in London (my personal opinion)! We stayed one more hour and then we had to leave, because as I thought a night before - we were totally physically destroyed! It was a feast of a d'n'b/asian music! On the way back to home thru the half of London we were still caught by those magical riddims and breakz! See all of you next time there!

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