To preserve healthy body and mind, I need to be constantly on the move. Right now I oscillate between two completely different landscapes - Cool Mountains and Hong Kong. Acting as excellent storytellers, the spirits of past and present still haunt these places and write their texts into minds of locals.

Sharp Needles of the Pine County

14.10.2014, 14:41 #Butuo  #Mountains  #Zhaojue  

An Long Forgotten love for a Beautiful Girl

Little Hong Kong

14.10.2014, 12:24 #China  #Lizhou  #Hong Kong  

Don't be afraid! (A jie lo)

My friend A. is performing a song called "Don't be afraid" (Yi: Ap jie lop ꀋꏦꇊ, Chinese: 不要怕). Original version can be found on Youtube.

14.10.2014, 12:23 #Liangshan  #China  #Yi (and Nuosu) people  

Xichang thoughts and Events

14.10.2014, 12:21 #Chengdu  #Xichang  #Liangshan  

Remembering Jianchang

14.10.2014, 12:07 #Xichang  #Yi (and Nuosu) people  #Bimo and suni  

The blue sky of Dechang

Hard times sitting on HK kerbs and drinking beer

06.02.2014, 20:19 #Drinkin'  #China  #Analog  

Fragments of Hong Kong

27.01.2014, 22:27 #Hong Kong  #China  #Food  

Hong Kong (& Macao) Blanc

27.01.2014, 20:36 #Analog  #China  #Hong Kong  

Hong Kong Noir

26.01.2014, 20:48 #Hong Kong  #Buddhism  #China  

Mandarin House of Macao

25.01.2014, 22:02 #Macao  #China  #Imprints of the Past  

Pagodas of Myanmar and Thai coup d'état

24.01.2014, 21:48 #Bangkok  #Myanmar  #Yangon  

Chinese Quarter of Bangkok

19.01.2014, 21:56 #Bangkok  #Thailand  

Fragments of Burma

12.01.2014, 22:31 #Myanmar  #Buddhism  #Bago  
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