To preserve healthy body and mind, I need to be constantly on the move. Right now I oscillate between two completely different landscapes - Cool Mountains and Hong Kong. Acting as excellent storytellers, the spirits of past and present still haunt these places and write their texts into minds of locals.

Industrialized countryside

Holga 120 GCFN / Lekai 100

22.01.2012, 14:50 #Analog  #Shishi  #Zigong  

A Temple of Silence

Unforgettable place - Jiudingshan 九顶山. Druopta Efekta / Kodak Ektar 100 How to describe this place... I have already forgotten a lot of details, partly due to the lack of oxygen in the approximate elevation of 4000 - 5000 m. We have spent 3 amazing days up there, weather was mostly very kind to us. The exception was the last night, when a strong wind came and blew us nearly away down to the valley. The other day there was a thick fog, so descent was kind of dangerous. Jiudingshan will unfortunately never be the same. An asphalt road was under construction at the time we were...

15.01.2012, 02:18 #China  #Mountains  #Jiudingshan  

Eggplant attacks!

Chinese streetart. Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100

08.01.2012, 17:31 #Pixian  #Sichuan  #China  

The Enlightened One

Holga 120 GCFN / Kodak 200

30.12.2011, 22:47 #Analog  #Buddhism  #Yaoshiyan  

Campus'n'ppl / BW

Holga 120 GCFN / Shanghai GP3 100

25.12.2011, 23:51 #Chengdu  #Sichuan University  #China  

Sichuan University Campus

An attempt to depict a lovely Sichuan University desolated campus, where I spent 3 semesters while studying chinese. Lomo LC-A / Kodak 200

18.12.2011, 23:45 #Sichuan  #China  #Sichuan University  

A Legend of Muli Kingdom

Dedicated to my brother Natalia Maholanyi and my role model Joseph Rock. Holga / Kodak 200

10.12.2011, 16:18 #Tibetan buddhism  #Statues and temples  #Tibetans  

Sichuanese Tea

Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100

04.12.2011, 14:10 #China  #Tea and teahouses  #Niufo  

Nuosu people

Yi people from Cool Mountains. Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100 / Fucked Up By CrossProcess™

28.11.2011, 01:38 #Butuo  #China  #Yi (and Nuosu) people  

Dog's Life

Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100 / Fucked Up By CrossProcess™

21.11.2011, 02:06 #Analog  #China  

Breeding in Captivity

Panda Base in Chengdu / Holga 120 GCFN / Kodak Portra 160

14.11.2011, 14:03 #Panda  #Sichuan  #China  

With Wires World Works Wicked

Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100

07.11.2011, 14:54 #Sichuan University  #Analog  #China  

A Fragment of Chinese Freedom

Lomo LC-A / Kodak 100 / Fucked Up By CrossProcess™

31.10.2011, 22:26 #Analog  #China  #Sichuan  

The story of Chengdu continues...

02.09.2011, 17:45 #Sichuan University  #Museum  #Music  

Honghe 红河 - prefectural seat, Yuanyangu 元阳 rice terraces and Mengzi 蒙自

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